Re-emerging from Darkness

Re-emerging from Darkness

Our country has been locked down for about 45 days now and there is growing conversation about how to reemerge into society. As I discussed in an earlier post Fear of the Unknown, I want to encourage people to continue returning to the facts about our country’s...
Lock-down Lessons Learned

Lock-down Lessons Learned

Since January 20, 2020 the United States has become highly aware of the COVID-19 virus. During the following 10 weeks, our country has gone from having the best economy ever to an unemployment rate of 3 million +. We have also become a nation who is collectively...
Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown

Unless you have been living in a cave these past 10 weeks, you have witnessed the escalation of a country’s corporate fear. As a society, reactions are being made out of fear and not facts. While I realize this has become a worldwide issue, I can only speak to what I...